Blue Ridge Legal Services is a 501(c)(3) charitable corporation governed by an 18-member Board of Directors. Our Board is composed of 12 attorneys appointed by various bar associations across the service area, and 6 non-lawyers who are eligible for our services appointed by community organizations. For a roster of our current Board of Directors, click here.
We are licensed by the Virginia State Bar as a legal aid society, and we are regulated by the federal Legal Services Corporation.
Blue Ridge Legal Services, Inc. does not discriminate on the bases of race, color, religion, sex, age, handicap, national origin, political party affiliation or any other basis prohibited by law.
If you have any complaints regarding the denial or quality of services, you may contact the executive director.
For more information about Blue Ridge Legal Services, you are also welcome to send e-mail with general inquiries (not seeking specific legal advice) to, or call us at the numbers listed.
FOR BRLS BOARD MEMBERS: You can access Board reference materials here by logging in using the credentials provided you.