BRLS Privacy Policy

Other than information automatically collected and stored, Blue Ridge Legal Services (BRLS) compiles no information about users when users visit our website unless users choose to provide that information to BRLS. BRLS will not disclose any personal information users provide unless disclosure is required by law.

Information BRLS Automatically Collects and Stores

When users visit the BRLS website (the “Site”), BRLS automatically collects and temporarily stores the following information:

  • The user’s domain name;
  • The user’s browser type and operating system;
  • The date and time of the user’s visit;
  • The pages the user visited; and
  • The address of the web site the user accessed to visit the Site.

BRLS uses this information for statistical purposes and to help make the Site more useful to users. Unless it is specifically stated otherwise, BRLS will not collect any additional user information.

Personal Information

If users choose to provide personal information about themselves when accessing the Site, BRLS will use the information only to respond properly to the user’s request or to fulfill the stated purpose of the communication. BRLS will not disclose any personal information users provide unless disclosure is required by law. BRLS does not share personal information with third parties for marketing/promotional purposes.

If a user makes a Freedom of Information Act request, the user’s name and a copy of the user’s request normally must be disclosed if requested by any person. User’s home address and phone number, however, would be protected under FOIA’s privacy exemption.

If you have any questions or comments about the privacy policy, please forward them to:

Text Messaging

Applicants can choose whether to opt-in/opt-out from BRLS text messaging at the time they submit an application. BRLS does not track location, does not share the mobile number, and does not share any texts with any third-party. Users can opt-out of BRLS text messaging at any time by texting STOP.  As stressed above, BRLS will not disclose any personal information users provide BRLS, in whatever form that may happen, unless disclosure is required by law.