If you are seeking legal assistance (including specific advice about your situation, or representation in a court proceeding, for example), please call the offices listed under Areas Served/Office Locations during the hours specified in order to be screened for eligibility.
If you don’t qualify for our services, or if you just want to get some information about a legal question, there are a number of helpful resources available, depending on your needs:
Pre-recorded legal information in multiple languages is available by calling 1-866-534-5243 (toll-free) before 9:00 a.m., after 5:00 p.m., and all day on weekends and legal holidays. Information is available about: Bankruptcy, Debt Collection, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Health Care, and Housing
On-line legal information is available at http://www.valegalaid.org/, a joint project of the legal aid programs across Virginia. Information is available about: Consumer law, Debtor’s rights, Elder law, Employment law, Family law & family abuse, Divorce, Health law, Housing law, Public forms, Social Security & Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Tax law, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families(TANF). Also, VA Law Help 2 Go, (703) 293-5544 or www.valawhelp2go.org, is a mobile-friendly platform that provides legal information in video format to the public. This project is unique because it allows users to select the desired legal content via SMS text messaging and view brief, informational videos (in English or Spanish) optimized for mobile devices. These videos provide information about common topics in the area of family, consumer, and housing law.
Free Legal Answers, a service sponsored by the American Bar Association (ABA) and the Virginia State Bar (VSB), is a free, fast, and easy service for Virginians who cannot afford a lawyer. It provides Virginians of modest means with answers to many legal questions and is staffed by licensed Virginia lawyers. There is no cost to you to post your question or to receive an answer. The site can be accessed from any device anywhere, even at your public library.
The Virginia Judicial System Court Self-Help website addresses various case types and organizes information from the Virginia Judicial System Website and other sources into user friendly content areas.
Free and Low Cost Legal Resources in Virginia. A guide for helping low- and modest-income Virginians obtain legal services. (PDF file)
Virginia Lawyer Referral Service. The Virginia Lawyer Referral Service will connect you to a lawyer in your area for $35. You receive a consultation of up to a half hour with him or her – no strings attached. You can call (800) 552-7977 or click here for more information.
The Virginia State Bar maintains a listing of other resources that you can find here.